Sunday, February 24, 2008

The original 3

Wow!!! So I have been mocking my wife for who knows how long because she is a blog addict, well now I have not only embraced her blogging way of life, but I am taking it one step beyond that. I am actually blogging??? We will see if I can keep this up, and for how long, but what the hell, I can justify these actions and still feel secure in my manhood because it is now my "journal". I thought I would show one of my prints from years ago when people still shot film SLR's and actually printed pictures in a dark room. I will probably share a few more of these, but I don't like the amount of detail lost in the scan.
The picture of course is; Monica (the love of my life), Bear (the most hyper & stubborn Lab in existence) and me!!! I took this picture on a day we were going out to shoot some more pictures for my photo class, must have been 4 0r 5 years ago! Freaking crazy.

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